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Find free mortgage advice, home moving tips and more with the Mortgage to Home blog. Need more help? Why not arrange an appointment for a free initial consultation and completely impartial advice from our team. We can source you the best mortgage from over 100 lenders. 

From Dreams to Keys

When it comes to being a first-time buyer, mortgage applications can seem like a confusing maze – if you’re unsure about what mortgage you can afford, you’re not the only one…

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What mortgage can you afford?

What Mortgage Can I Afford?

When it comes to being a first-time buyer, mortgage applications can seem like a confusing maze – if you’re unsure about what mortgage you can afford, you’re not the only one…

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How to get a mortgage

How to Get a Mortgage

Applying for a mortgage can seem like a daunting process, but we’re here to guide you every step of the way, making the move into your home an easier one. Mortgages include…

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