Things to Remember When Moving House

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Top 5 Things to Remember When Moving House

Moving houses is known as one of the top most stressful scenarios you will have to face in life – so even though it is extremely exciting to have a new beginning, it’s also important to plan ahead for a smooth transition.

Whether it’s utility bills, change of addresses on documents, remembering cleaning products or sourcing new furniture, there are plenty of things to put at the top of your checklist.

Here are our top 5 things to remember when moving house…

Utility Changeover

Having utility bills at the top of your priorities will be very beneficial when it comes to moving day, trust us!

Notify your utility providers and council tax of your move, and ensure that you settle up any debts that are left over from your previous property such as heating/energy bills and council tax.

It’s recommended that you contact all of your providers around a month before you move out of your previous property, leaving you enough time to settle the details. Also, don’t forget to change the address on the likes of your driving license, V5, work documents, insurances and electoral roll.

Stay Budget Friendly

It’s highly tempting to purchase a mountain of new furniture, wallpaper, decorations and many house plants, but keeping your budget in mind when moving home means you won’t be left without once the moving has commenced.

Prioritising the most important expenses such as a bed, sofa, kitchen equipment and products you use on a daily basis will mean you’re comfortable when you first move in and you still have enough of your budget left for the extra decorations and luxuries.

Remember, a home is a working progress – not everything needs to be done or bought overnight!

Get Your Essentials

Grabbing all essentials before making the big move is a great way of ensuring that you feel comfortable and happy during your first nights at the new property.

Think of the things you couldn’t go without, those you use frequently on a daily basis – bed sheets, toilet roll, a grocery shop, cleaning products, batteries, kitchen equipment, cutlery etc.

Having the essentials when you move in will make the unpacking progress a lot quicker, as you won’t need to be going back and forth between your home and the store constantly.

Security Check

Security is extremely important, like with anything else, it’s great to have security within your home and feel at peace once you arrive at the property.

Installing security cameras and setting up home insurance are both things that only take a couple of minutes, and can be arranged on a budget.

If you are buying the property and there has been a number of previous tenants, you may want to think about changing the locks for an added layer of security.

Enjoy Your New Home

Finally… enjoy your new home!

Moving properties can be extremely stressful, and the journey is filled with never-ending checklists and phone calls, so starting around a month or longer in advance will give you a great head start.

Enjoy your new beginnings, surroundings and property!

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